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A Momentous Occasion!

Guess what, guys!

Today, I have officially lived in my house for ten years! Holy cow, I've spent two thirds of my life in this house!

May 8th, the anniversary of our moving to Cache Valley, is a family holiday for us. We eat pancakes at IHOP, sleep out in the living room, and listen to our parents telling us the story of how we came to live here. Moving Day is definitely one of my favourite holidays. :-)

This year, Moving Day is going to look a little different thanks to quarantine. :-(

We're going to have pancakes at home... extra big ones... with eggs and sausage... and whipped cream (with dairy-free coconut milk whipped cream)... and lots of real maple syrup... it's going to be delicious!

And geez, I'm so glad I live in Cache Valley and in my awesome house with my awesome family! :-)

And for a whole decade.... wow. I'm getting old.

Family History

So today's post is just really quick, but here it is. Hope you enjoy it :-)

Family history is one of the coolest things ever.

Before you disagree, allow me to define it: family history means connecting to your family, both past and present.

The methods for doing this are various; spending time with family, getting to know your great-grandparents and/or your grandparents; researching information about past ancestors (AKA traditional family history); learning about the nations and cultures that your ancestors came from; keeping a journal; reading ancestor's journals; and so many more.

Family history is my favourite Sunday activity. It helps me feel like I'm part of something, like I belong somewhere and came from somewhere. It's just cool!

If you're ever bored in this corona world (or even after everything goes back to normal), you should try family history.