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Operation BIXA Shirt

I made myself a shirt! I LOVE how it turned out. I've already worn it twice, and it's incredible! It's fits well, the fabrics are so soft, and the colors... it's a match made in heaven! And it was for a school project... #TwoBirdsWithOneStone

Pattern: BIXA, by MoodFabrics (free sewing pattern!)
Time: 7 hours, counting shopping/photo shoot
Satisfaction: 10/10

Here is the front!
I did not use the original BIXA pattern; I made view A but added in the lovely ruffles in the sleeves and also the peplum. Altering that pattern was a bit nerve-racking!

And here it is from the back! I love how the magenta and zebra striped fabric go so well together!

The ruffle -- the most nerve-racking part of the entire project!

From the side... again, I can't believe how well the two fabrics go together!

Me as a super model ;-)

Also me as a super model...

Twirling in my new shirt...

PS. Thanks to my wonderful Mom for taking pictures!


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