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New Items In My Etsy Shop

I have six new pieces in my Etsy shop, LilianaKayDesigns!

The first piece is a pink princess-inspired dress for Welli Wishers w/ puffed sleeves and is going for $12.

The second piece is a St Patrick's day dress for 18" dolls; it has a slim skirt with a ruffle and is going for $14.

The third piece is a nautical-inspired dress for 18" dolls; it's made of seersucker, a fabric that's really fun to work with! It's going for $14.

The fourth piece is a basic brown and white plaid dress. It's really cute and going for $13.

The fifth piece is another one for Welli Wishers, but this time it's a deep navy blue. It's going for $12.

The sixth, and last, piece is a jumper for 18" dolls. It's made of a tan and floral-patterned fabric. It's adorable, and I'm SO proud of it! It's going for $12.


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